The Sutherland Shire Business Chamber sends their support and encouragement to ALL businesses and community member across the region, and is committed to assisting business owners with access to relevant and reliable information.
‘The COVID-19 event has motivated a proliferation of information, and understanding the veracity and source of data is key to reliability’ said Chamber President, David Querzoli. ‘Accordingly, we have created a new page on our website dedicated to COVD-19 information sourced from Federal, State and Local Government plus Business Australia, formerly known as NSW Business Chamber. This new resource is an essential ‘go to’ guide and reference point that business owners can trust to be reliable and accurate’ said Mr Querzoli.
The Chamber understands the devastating impact that the Coronavirus (COVID–19) is having across our nation and the world and how these impacts are filtering into our local businesses and communities.
‘At no other time has it been so imperative that everyone in our community does their utmost to support local business, to help keep them sustainable for as long as possible’ Mr Querzoli said. ‘We encourage you to stay local and buy local where possible. Check first with your local suppliers and reach out to them before going elsewhere. We also encourage everyone to follow all official health guidelines from our Governments’ at National, State and Local levels at all times and avoid listening to hearsay that can create unnecessary panic and distress’.
Mr Querzoli strongly recommends all local businesses take advantage of the Federal Government assistance packages wherever possible. ‘These packages are there to support businesses and employees so we can we work towards a sustainable future by the time we reach the end of this current health crisis’.
‘I would also like to call on all businesses and members of our community to look out for those around them that are most vulnerable and see what they can do to support those people’ added Mr Querzoli.