Business Support – COVID-19
Helping Business through COVID-19
The Sutherland Shire Business Chamber recognises the significant impact of COVID-19 to businesses and the flow on effect to the wider community. This page has been created to assist businesses with helpful links, information and tools to help them at this time.
Business NSW Help Line
Members of SSBC who have opted to receive services from Business NSW can take advantage of 3 workplace advice line calls each year at no charge.
Call 13 29 59 between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday-Friday.
COVID-19 Business Support Line (business.gov.au)
If your business has been affected by COVID-19, contact the team of dedicated customer representatives who can help you on 13 28 46. They will be available to assist you between 8am – 8pm across Australia, Monday to Friday.
NSW Government – Businesses and employees
The Business Concierge Service can help you in:
- identifying what support is available for you
- completing any financial relief application forms that are relevant to your situation.
Services NSW Business Concierge phone number is 13 77 88.
NSW Government Business and employees information includes:
NSW Government – COVID Restrictions in NSW
Visit NSW Government – COVID-19 for advice and information for community, including information about latest restrictions, COVID-19 symptoms, testing and social distancing.
NSW Premier’s Media Centre
Find the latest media announcements from the NSW Premier’s office.
Information from NSW Health
Australian Government – Support for Business
This link contains a wealth of information including tools and templates such as how to ask for a rent reduction, how to advise a stand down and latest news.
Prime Ministers Media Centre
Find the latest media announcements from the Prime Minister’s office.
Australian Government – Support for Individuals and Households
The Australian Government is providing financial assistance to Australians. This assistance includes income support payments, payments to support households and temporary early releases of superannuation.
- Income support for individuals
- Payments to support households
- Temporary early release of superannuation
- Temporarily reducing superannuation minimum drawdown rates
- Reducing social security deeming rates
- COVID-19 Disaster Payment
How to create a myGov account and connect to Centrelink
With myGov, you can access government services online.
To get Centrelink payments and services, you will need to create a myGov account (if you don’t already have one) and link to Centrelink. Following the links below for more information.
Information and resources General Public
A collection of resources for the general public bout COVID-19:
Other Media
CORONACAST – ABC: Coronacast is a podcast that helps to answer your questions about COVID19. We break down the latest news and research to help you understand how the world is living through an epidemic. Listen for free on ABC listen app, Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts.
Mental Health Support
For 24/7 crisis support, contact:
Lifeline –13 11 14
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue’s free and confidential mental health coaching program for small business owners and sole traders, NewAccess for Small Business Owners – Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue – Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service – 1800 512 348